Career Pathways

Instituto has designed and implemented career pathways that enable individuals to move beyond their current skill level, continue their education, and launch prosperous careers. Each person enters our pathways at different points based on their needs. They may begin with literacy instruction in their native language, vocational ESL instruction, or college pre-requisites, and then transition into tailored job training and community college courses. Students receive industry recognized credentials along the way, allowing them to move up the career ladder and increase their pay rapidly. Throughout, we address the unique needs of our families by providing key supportive services such as tutoring, childcare, financial planning, and more.
Our career pathways target three growing industries: Healthcare, Manufacturing, and Retail. We work with leaders in these industries to build accelerated programs that meet industry needs and place our students in high-demand positions.
Instituto's successful history with Career Pathways has been characterized by three key components:
  • Employer Driven: Instituto works closely with employers and industry representatives to help develop curriculum and create demand-driven training that results in the skills and credentials desired most by Chicago's employers.
  • Accelerated Learning: Instituto has a successful track record of creating contextualized education that allow students to quickly gain multiple skills at once.
  • Accessible to all Learners: Instituto's career pathways are designed to allow learners of all skill levels to enter the program. Instituto has successfully trained thousands of low-skilled and/or low-literacy employees to move up the career ladder and meet the needs of their employers.
PRE- Basic Nursing Assistance training: This program is designed to help students gain/enhance the reading comprehension, writing and math skills to meet the academic admission requirements for the BNA training Program.
PRE-Entrenamiento de Auxiliar de Enfermería: Este programa está diseñado para ayudar a los estudiantes a adquirir y/o mejorar sus habilidades en lectura de comprensión, escritura y matemáticas para cumplir con el requisito académico de admisión al programa de Auxiliar de Enfermería.
Job Referral and Placement Services: This program is designed to offer job referral and placement services to job seekers interested in a career change or to find a new job. We offer program attendees job readiness preparation through workshops, in which they learn to develop a professional resume, create cover letters, practice mock interview skills, and receive individual employment coaching and connections to competitive employers.
Servicios de Referencia y Colocación de Empleo: Este programa esta diseñado para ofrecer servicios de  búsqueda y colocación de empleo a las personas que desean hacer un  cambio de carrera o conseguir un nuevo o mejor empleo. El programa ofrece a los participantes talleres de preparación para el empleo. Estos talleres se enfocan en ayudar al participante a desarrollar un curriculum professional, crear una carta de presentación, a practicar y a perfeccionar sus habilidades de comunicación durante una entrevista. El propósito de este program es también recibir atención y entrenamiento laboral individualizado, asi como también la conección con empleadores competitivos para conseguir un empleo bien pagado.
Digital Literacy: This program teaches basic computer skills to program participants with no previous knowledge or digital literacy skills. Participants learn how to use the Microsoft office applications and the Google applications/tools used in an office setting to prepare them to obtain a new job or seek employment promotions.
Clases de Computación: Este programa enseña los conocimientos y las habilidades básicas en computación a participantes que no tienen conociemnto o experiencia previa manejando computadoras. Los participantes aprenden a usar aplicaciones de Microsoft Office y las herramientas de Google utilizadas en oficinas para prepararlos a obtener un nuevo trabajo para mejorar sus oportunidades laborales.
The Immigrant Family Resources Program: This program is designed to help the community apply for different public benefit services such as Medicaid/Medicare, SNAP (Link card), unemployment, childcare and other state funded services they may be eligible to receive.
Programa de Recursos para Familias Inmigrantes: Este programa está diseñado para ayudar a la comunidad a solicitar diferentes servicios de beneficios públicos como Medicaid/Medicare, SNAP (tarjeta LINK), desempleo, cuidado infantil y otros servicios financiados del estado para los que puedan ser elegibles.
The Immigrant Family Supports Program: This program is designed to help immigrant families to access COVID-19 Financial assistance to help cover medical expenses, utility bills, rental or mortgage assistance as a result of a job loss due to COVID-19.
Programa de Apoyo a Familias Inmigrantes:  Este programa busca ayudar a las familias inmigrantes a solicitar asistencia financiera para cubrir gastos médicos, facturas de servicios públicos, asistencia para el alquiler o la hipoteca, como resultado de la pérdida de empleo debido a COVID-19, o por la hospitalizión por haber contraído la infección. Para calificar las personas no deben ser elegibles para recibir ningún tipo de beneficios públicos del estado de Illinois.