Instituto College

Instituto College
Built on our expertise in workforce education and training, paired with supportive service and cultural competency, Instituto College is a contemporary education institution providing quality and accessible higher education while meeting the needs of Chicago area employers.
The mission of Instituto College is to provide an enriched learning environment where students have the opportunity to earn practical credentials and degrees based on industry standards that enable them to develop their skills, becoming lifelong learners, and contribute to the overall vitality of their communities.

Instituto College’s nursing program is directed by the mission to provide educational opportunities to students in concert with their needs and goals, preparing individuals for the role of Registered Nurse, and providing pathways for upward career mobility.
Nursing education integrates nursing knowledge, communication, the biological and social sciences, and the humanities to give the registered nurse the necessary knowledge and skills to function as members of a healthcare team, developing the ability to meet needs and promote health. Nursing, through the process, assists the person to maintain or restore optimum health, or to achieve a peaceful, dignified death. Predicated on the belief that each person is a holistic being with inherent dignity and needs, the education process promotes interacting and communicating with members of a multicultural society, and providing care throughout the life span to meet needs as a physiologic, emotional, psychological, intellectual, social, and spiritual being.

Applications for the spring 2025 ADN program are now open!

For more information please contact The Office of Admissions at 773 696-3633 or [email protected].

Instituto College was Featured on Chicago's ABC 7 News!

With fewer than 8,000 nurses graduating in Illinois each year, bridging the gap is becoming near impossible. Furthermore, in a city where nearly 30% of the population is Latino and only 6% of nurses are- bilingual...We're hoping to generate as many bilingual, bi-cultural nurses as possible," said Ayala-Bermejo.

Vocational Oversight

Instituto College is an independent institution authorized by the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) to operate and grant post-secondary degrees in the State of Illinois. Since 2015, Instituto College was authorized to operate in Illinois and subsequent degree authorization for the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing was granted in 2016. In 2018, the Illinois State Board of Nursing approved the RN Program Curriculum, recommending that the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) add Instituto College to the Illinois Approved Nursing Education Program List. In 2022, Instituto College was granted accreditation by the Accrediting Commission of the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET). The College provides oversight for Instituto's Carreras en Salud (Careers in Health) Basic Nursing Assistant Training Program (BNATP), which has been approved by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) since 2016.



Effective January 30, 2023, this nursing program is a candidate for initial accreditation by

the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. This candidacy status expires

on January 30, 2025.


Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)

3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400

Atlanta, GA 30326

(404) 975-5000


Note: Upon granting of initial accreditation by the ACEN Board of Commissioners, the

effective date of initial accreditation is the date on which the nursing program was

approved by the ACEN as a candidate program that concluded in the Board of

Commissioners granting initial accreditation
